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Secure your data and maximise efficiency

Created for Credit Unions, our off-site cloud data storage allows you to benefit from innovative finance technology and meet industry best-practice security requirements.

Connecting 30 years of experience with the latest in secure technology


Protect your credit union with impressive levels of scalability, cost-effectiveness and security.

  • Secure data
  • Free-up resources
  • Serverless
  • Rapid deployment


  • Cost-effective
  • Maximise resiliency


Serverless data operations

Clever cloud storage that makes it easy and cost-effective to configure to your exact requirements, so you will always have plenty of capacity.

Fully managed

Smart and proven automated management to save you hours of manual effort.

Automatic scaling

Flexible features that work on both a manual and auto scaling basis. Easily adapt to the ever-changing needs of your business.

Automatic updates

Free your resources with automatic and real-time updates that ensure your data is always ready.

Secure identity and access management

Protect your data with enhanced features including Multi-Factor Authentication, Application Proxy and Conditional Access policies.

Back-up and disaster technology 

In the event of service disruption or data loss, Sercle Cloud can recover your data quickly and efficiently to keep your world turning.

Want to get started?

Get in touch and help your credit union make the most of the digital financial revolution.